Illegal Executive Order Appeal
Official Time for VA Professionals
NFFE National President Randy Erwin stated that official time is not only beneficial for workers, but is also critical to improving outcomes at VA hospitals. “The crux of the issue is that under official time, VA employees serve as an independent voice regarding working conditions, safety issues and mismanagement,” he said. “Plus, they represent whistleblowers and other employees who make credible claims against fraud, waste, abuse and political coercion and corruption . . . The VA kicking employees off official time in this way is a clear violation of the law. It is in direct response to the unions’ successful lawsuit last June against the Trump administration that nullified three illegal executive orders that attacked civil servants working under official time.”
Essential Employee Furlough Wage and Hour Violations
In order to be eligible to join the case, you must be designated as FLSA non-exempt and excepted status and have performed work during the shutdown. The information about your FLSA status can be found on your SF-50. We strongly encourage every employee who is eligible, to join the case. There is no cost to do so. For more information about the case or to join please visit www.sniderlaw.com/shutdown. In addition to the communications that we will be sending out, you can also monitor that website for updates on the case.
You will not automatically be added to this lawsuit, you have to affirmatively join via the website. Your fellow bargaining unit members who are not NFFE members can join as well. However, the time for them to stand on the sidelines and let you shoulder the burden of representing them is over. We are in the fight of our lives. When telling non-members about the case, please ask them to join the fight by joining NFFE. The form to join can be found here. Give it to them, ask them to fill it out and send it to newmember@nffe.org. NFFE-IAM is leading the fight for federal workers in three, distinct lawsuits. Read on to learn the latest on each lawsuit, and how NFFE-IAM members can participate.
Illegal Executive Order Appeal
Official Time for VA Professionals
NFFE National President Randy Erwin stated that official time is not only beneficial for workers, but is also critical to improving outcomes at VA hospitals. “The crux of the issue is that under official time, VA employees serve as an independent voice regarding working conditions, safety issues and mismanagement,” he said. “Plus, they represent whistleblowers and other employees who make credible claims against fraud, waste, abuse and political coercion and corruption . . . The VA kicking employees off official time in this way is a clear violation of the law. It is in direct response to the unions’ successful lawsuit last June against the Trump administration that nullified three illegal executive orders that attacked civil servants working under official time.”
Essential Employee Furlough Wage and Hour Violations
In order to be eligible to join the case, you must be designated as FLSA non-exempt and excepted status and have performed work during the shutdown. The information about your FLSA status can be found on your SF-50. We strongly encourage every employee who is eligible, to join the case. There is no cost to do so. For more information about the case or to join please visit www.sniderlaw.com/shutdown. In addition to the communications that we will be sending out, you can also monitor that website for updates on the case.
You will not automatically be added to this lawsuit, you have to affirmatively join via the website. Your fellow bargaining unit members who are not NFFE members can join as well. However, the tim
e for them to stand on the sidelines and let you shoulder the burden of representing them is over. We are in the fight of our lives. When telling non-members about the case, please ask them to join the fight by joining NFFE. The form to join can be found here. Give it to them, ask them to fill it out and send it to newmember@nffe.org.