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We have been hearing reports from the field that many of you on WSL have received the survey requesting that you Self-Certify as high-risk for COVID-19. Many have already responded. We were just informed that this is being sent through Google Docs. This concerns us even more than before. The Union is pursuing formal redress of this matter via the Parties Negotiated Grievance-Arbitration Process and are in consultation with NFFE Legal for professional guidance.
In the interim, this leaves many of you with the question of how to act, and what will happen if you act a certain way. While many of our questions to Management remain unanswered, we hope the Q&A’s below will help you to determine which route is best for your specific circumstance. Please keep in mind, that we do not know how the determinations are made, or who is making them, we are only presenting the information below as it has been afforded to us through Q&As with PMO.
What happens AFTER I respond to the Self-Certification Form?
If you indicate that you have one or more of the conditions listed on the form, you may receive notice that you will still be eligible for WSL.
If you indicate that you do not have one or more of the conditions listed on the form, you may receive notice that you are no longer eligible for WSL as of November 16.
What happens if I do not respond to the Self-Certification Form?
A failure to respond will be counted as not meeting the requirements of self-certification and you will be not eligible to received WSL as of November 16.
If I am not eligible for WSL as of November 16, does that mean I have to report to work?
Options are available to you if you do not feel safe returning to work. The Union has listed in a previous post what those options are. Please refer to the previous posts.
Can I still qualify for WSL if I have conditions the CDC lists but are not on the survey form?
WSL eligibility will be for the conditions listed on the Department survey form only.
I am concerned about confidentiality if I reply using this form will my private information be protected?
We have posed this question and are waiting on a response.
I’ve already responded. Will my response be made part of my employee record?
Nothing has been disclosed as to how the response will be recorded, distributed, stored, or disposed of.
This form is basically asking me to certify that I have a disability. Can they do that?
This is a question we are waiting to be answered.
Can I continue to request WSL on form DS7100?
When you return to the office you may ask to complete a DS7100 regarding your prior WSL.