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On Tuesday, May 21st, Christopher Beranger held a May BUE one hour meeting and handed out NFFE t-shirts and hats to those that purchased them. Everyone at Miami is grateful for the fruits of our work. On Friday, May 17th, Christopher organized 30 staff members from DOS and CGI combined for bowling.
Christopher said, “We are keeping this boosted morale mood.”
Thank you once again for all that you do.
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB) participants are going to see significantly larger health care premiums in 2023. In response, NFFE 1998 has sent a letter urging NFFE National President Randy Erwin to address this issue with Congress.
Bargaining unit employees (BUE) are also encouraged to contact local elected officials to intervene to bring down the high premiums for federal retirees and the current workforce.
NFFE, along with the Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid, will be hosting a webinar on Public Service Loan Forgiveness on Wednesday, September 28, from 3-4pm EST. The webinar is open to all NFFE members and bargaining unit employees we represent. Click here to register.
You won’t want to miss this webinar because the Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness program closes October 31, 2022. Under the limited PSLF waiver, you can get credit for past payments even if you:
In the informational webinar, you’ll learn how prepare your PSLF form and/or to apply for consolidation. We’ll offer tips on how much time to allow yourself to meet the deadline, and to make sure your PSLF form and/or consolidation will be processed right the first time. Visit the PSLF Resources page to see if you qualify and bring your questions to the union’s webinar.
This content is only available to Dues Paying Members who are signed in to their account.
Earlier this month of March, 2019, a grievance was filed at the Dallas Passport Center on behalf of union steward Antonio Crestotholos. While on his break and on his own personal time, Mr. Crestotholos engaged a colleague in conversation. Management, making the assumption Mr. Crestotholos was conducting official Union business, proceeded to use the opportunity to unjustifiably reprimand the union steward for no apparent purpose other than provoking a reaction. Filed in response to a violation of Articles 20 and 28 of the Master Agreement, the grievance is intended to address management’s failure to adhere to FLSA requisites and in response to such unnecessary provocation.