Happy fourth quarter to everyone. The end of the year is insight, and I hope everyone is planning to take some time off as we near the end of 2023. If not, please make sure you are getting plenty of rest as we are at the beginning of the cold and flu season.
As in the prior two years a meeting Secretary of State Blinken was planned with the three State Department Unions for this past August, but world events got in the way and the meeting was cancelled.
In September we were told the meeting would most likely take place in November. I was excited that we still would be having the meeting this year. But out of the blue the meeting was set up for September 28, 2023. Which for me was not a good day since I was supposed to be going on annual leave late in the day that Thursday. So, I woke up early on Thursday, September 28, 2023, and got myself down to Washington D.C. so I could make sure the voice of NFFE-1998 was heard by Secretary Blinken.

Unfortunately, our laundry list of issues had to be very short. So, after much deliberation the two main topics for discussion decided upon by NFFE-1998 were the following:
- Expanded workplace flexibilities and employee development to provide a larger range of career opportunities and improve employee retention and recruitment.
- Retention bonus: Retention Incentive Payment and Termination Calculations Fact Sheet
- At the completion of the year of service, at each year:
GS-5 BUEs receive $500.00.
GS-7 BUEs receive $1000.00.
GS-9 BUEs receive $1500.00.
GS-11 BUEs receive $2000.00.
GS-12 BUEs receive $2500.00.
- Recruitment Bonus: OPM Recruitment Incentives Fact Sheet
- Retention bonus: Retention Incentive Payment and Termination Calculations Fact Sheet
- Work systems that allow us to perform our jobs productively and in an agile and adaptive fashion.
- All applicant material is scanned into the system at the beginning of the of the process.
- Online Passport Renewal System that works.
- Expanded workplace flexibilities and employee development to provide a larger range of career opportunities and improve employee retention and recruitment.
NFFE1998 President Lee Wentz. Secretary Blinken, AFGE 1534 President Chris Barnes
Only time will tell on how all of this plays out. But as always, I am glad that we get to have a seat at the table to explain and work towards our goals of better systems, adding people to the workforce, and keeping people around.
In closing thank you for allowing me to represent you along with all the other National Officers and Stewards. None of this would be possible without your support and engagement.
In Solidarity, Lee W.
President, NFFE-1998