Dues paying members may log in to the website for more information on proposed changes to the bylaws.
Interested in becoming a member? Check out the benefits and register at http://tempnffe1998.iamdivpress.com/benefits-of-membership/
Dues paying members may log in to the website for more information on proposed changes to the bylaws.
Interested in becoming a member? Check out the benefits and register at http://tempnffe1998.iamdivpress.com/benefits-of-membership/
In 2022 a grievance was filed on behalf of employees who applied for and were denied admin leave to vote during midterm elections. On October 26, 2022 Global Talent Management released a department notice explaining the new paid time off for federal employees to vote. On March 24, 2022 the Office of Personnel Management announced this new leave. The Department of State updated 3 FAM 3464.2 to reflect the policy. However, some of our employees were denied this time, and used their own leave to go vote. The Union filed a grievance, and the Agency chose to settle, and returned employees’ personal leave. Great job NFFE 1998!!
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB) participants are going to see significantly larger health care premiums in 2023. In response, NFFE 1998 has sent a letter urging NFFE National President Randy Erwin to address this issue with Congress.
Bargaining unit employees (BUE) are also encouraged to contact local elected officials to intervene to bring down the high premiums for federal retirees and the current workforce.
This information is visible only to logged in dues paying members. To become a dues paying member please complete the online SF-1187 found in our Membership Tab. Contact your local steward or national officers if you have questions or need website assistance.
The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE-IAM) is issuing a survey to better understand federal employees’ experience and satisfaction with the Department of Labor’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP). We invite you to take the survey.
The results of the survey will be kept confidential. We will use responses to show DOL leadership areas to improve, as well as on Capitol Hill to advance legislation that enhances current programs or creates new ones. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact NFFE Communications Director Matt Dorsey at mdorsey@nffe.org.
Take the survey at this link: https://iamaw.checkboxonline.com/iam-nffe-owcp-survey
Happy October to one and all, hopefully 2022 has treated us better than in 2020 or 2021. I cannot believe we have entered the last quarter of the year. It does not seem possible that 2023 is close at hand.
On August 11, 2022, I was able to have a virtual meeting with Ambassador Marcia S. Bernicat the Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Global Talent. I had a very productive conversation with her. Below you will find the main topics I discussed with Ms. Bernicat.
Of course, I am not holding my breath, but I feel good for all of us every time I get to present some of our concerns to folks outside of Consular Affairs. I always feel it is a small win. One of the last topics I discussed is reminding DG Bernicat that, if not for the Civil Service folks issuing passports domestically there would be less need for Foreign Service Officers and Embassy’s.
A topic that seems to pop up as an issue every few years is the topic of timely promotions. My advice is the same as it always is; please take some time to review the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The section you will want to look through is Article 15 of the CBA. The issue of promotions is spelled out very well in this section of the CBA. If you are fully successful in every category, you should be promoted without delay. Perhaps you struggled at the beginning of the year; regardless, if you are showing the ability to perform at the next grade level, you should be promoted without delay. As someone who has worked in passports over the last 15 years, my advice is do not take no for an answer and do not let time lapse in any capacity.
Please take a few minutes to review grievance filing deadlines in Article 20, Section 7 (a) (page 64) in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, which can be downloaded from our website at NFFE1998.org. It is important that everyone knows the deadlines regarding filing a grievance. If the deadline is missed there is almost nothing we can do for folks.
Sometimes management and the Union disagree on what the date of occurrence is. One way to try to prevent untimely complaints is to send an email to verify what date management is counting as the date of occurrence. Then after verifying what date management is using, request a deadline extension because of an ongoing investigation of the facts of the case. This will make it clear to both parties when the grievance filing deadline is and may gain us more time for filing. So please take a few minutes to review your rights in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Finally, please be aware that nominations for elections will be coming to members’ mailboxes very soon. Please be on the lookout for those nomination forms. And if you want to view some of the job descriptions for the positions that are eligible for election, we have started posting those to the website.
I hope you have a great month and please take some time for yourself in the coming weeks.
In Solidarity,
Lee W.
President, NFFE-1998
Unfortunately, the Union was given notice that some cash award recipients employees were overpaid due to an Agency error, and the Agency is working to correct this error. The Union is investigating the issue and is fighting to minimize any negative impacts on employees.
The Union is requesting that all employees be given advance notice before the cash award overpayment is deducted from a future paycheck, so that people can plan accordingly. If you are served a debt collections letter, you have the right to appeal it, and/or maybe even request a payment plan. The Union will follow up by email when more information is provided by the Agency.
Passport Headquarters is updating the position descriptions of GS-5, 7, 9, and 11 Passport Specialists. We highly recommend everyone request a copy of the proposed changes from their local steward and review Management’s proposed updated Position Descriptions
Secondly, the Union has invoked bargaining and submitted counter proposals to Management regarding the Agency’s proposed changes and modifications of a new performance appraisal system impacting your rights. The Management agreed in the Parties Master Agreement (aka Collective Bargaining Agreement) Article 18 Provision 2 to provide you with a “fair and reasonable appraisal system”.
The Union has represented you by submitting counter proposals requesting negotiations on matters such as: 1) training time prior to acceptance of your new evaluation; 2) the opportunity to develop your Performance Goals/Competency with the rating official before your evaluation begins; 3) to introduce a Marginal Rating at each Performance Goal and Competency before a determination is made for a Not Successful Rating. A Marginal Rating would not be subject to a formal PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) while Not Successful Ratings are; 4) to request information from your rating official on how to achieve an Exceeds and/or Outstanding rating.
These matters noted above are only a slice of what the Union has counter proposed to the Management. The Union is working to preserve our rights to a “fair and reasonable appraisal system”. Negotiations have been requested to meet with the Management after the Union’s counter proposals were submitted, but no date has been finalized at this time.
NFFE 1998 is here to support our workplace rights. However, we cannot do that without your support. Ultimately, you are your own best advocate. Take time to get to know our contract between Bargaining Unit Employees (us, aka BUE) and the Employer (U.S. Department of State), the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), which can be downloaded in PDF form from our website NFFE1998.org. It is the responsibility of every Bargaining Unit Employee to hold our employer, the U.S. Department of State accountable. Please submit complaints to us via our online complaint form.
The Secretary of State announced his commitment to retaining talent within the DOS and has created a Retention Unit within the Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM). The Retention Unit is on a mission to understand and improve our employee experiences. It is developing a comprehensive retention strategy, which is a key component of the Secretary’s Modernization Agenda.
The Retention Unit is committed to transparency, and to providing greater visibility and context to attrition information. Our voices and ideas matter. There is an email inbox we are welcome to send ideas, issues, and inquiries to. We can email them at GTMRetentionUnit@state.gov.
We can also continue to submit ideas for how we can improve our workforce policies and practices to the GTM Innovation Portal. If you are interested in volunteering your employee experience in a focus group or want to provide targeted feedback you can add your name to the volunteer list here.
The Retention Unit will be launching an Employee Experience “Stay” Survey and has revamped Exit Interviews. The Exit Interview is voluntary. It is strongly recommended that every employee takes it so that the Retention Unit can better understand the employee experience. If you are leaving the Department in the next 6 months, you may schedule a 30 minute, confidential interview here in addition to completing the exit survey.
The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) is encouraging all union members who are veterans to take advantage of the International Association of Machinists (IAM) Veterans Services Program. The program, which helps military veterans obtain earned benefits after their time in service, has been highly successful since Richard Evans was appointed as Coordinator earlier this year.
The program assists veterans in understanding and applying for earned benefits and helps with submitting claims. Applying for benefits can be very confusing and difficult. The program helps veterans and their families have access to the multitude of benefits offered to former servicemen and women. This includes securing earned backpay, improving disability status if necessary, resolving potential errors in previously submitted claims, among other benefits.
Not only does the Veteran’s Services Program help veterans correctly apply for VA benefits and compensation, but it also offers aid in education, employment, home loans, life insurance, pension, health care, and burial benefits. The mission of the IAM Veterans Services Program is to make sure veteran members and their families are taken care of and supported.
To find out more about IAM’s Veteran’s Services, visit this website (This service is for union dues paying members only). To submit your information and have a representative of the IAM Veterans Services Program contact you, visit this website. To become a dues paying member, please fill out the online form here, and notify your local representative after submission.
In just a few weeks, the Federal Benefits Open Season for the 2023 plan year for health insurance under the FEHB Program, dental and vision insurance under FEDVIP, and flexible spending accounts under FSAFEDS, will be held from November 14 through December 12. Check out this article for more information on the rates increasing.
FEHB Rates and Changes:
FEHB Plan Choices:
New Benefit Offerings:
For more information please see OPM’s Federal Benefits Open Season Fact Sheet. NFFE will provide updates and more information as we approach the start of Benefits Open Season.
Check out this article for more on the 2023 Federal Pay Increase.
The PSLF Program forgives the remaining balance on federal Direct Loans after you have made 120 qualifying payments while working full-time for a qualifying employer. The U.S. Department of Education (ED) recently announced a temporary, but significant waiver to PSLF program rules. The waiver, called the “Limited PSLF Waiver,” allows those borrowers who had ineligible loans or payments to get credit for those past periods. The waiver is available to borrowers until October 31, 2022. You can learn more about the waiver and if it applies to you here.
Key Points:
Minor league players are seeking to join the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA). They are ready to begin collective bargaining and be recognized by the league. In the past, MLBPA only represented major leagues teams’. With the addition of minor league teams, MLBPA may quadruple in size. Pay is one of the top issues. Most minor league players receive $400 and $700 a week and are only paid in season. A federal class-action lawsuit was filed by minor league players, alleging minimum wage and overtime violations by teams. MLB settled in July 2022.
Article 20 Section 7 (a)
(a). Filing Deadline: The grievant and/or representative must file the Step 1 Grievance with the appropriate official in writing within forty-five (45) calendar days of the incident resulting in the complaint or the date the grievant first became aware of the matter. The appropriate official may extend the time limit or good cause.
Article 20 Section 7 (b)
(b). It is important to include in the Step 1 Grievance:
iii. Any supporting evidence;
NFFE, along with the Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid, will be hosting a webinar on Public Service Loan Forgiveness on Wednesday, September 28, from 3-4pm EST. The webinar is open to all NFFE members and bargaining unit employees we represent. Click here to register.
You won’t want to miss this webinar because the Temporary Expanded Public Service Loan Forgiveness program closes October 31, 2022. Under the limited PSLF waiver, you can get credit for past payments even if you:
In the informational webinar, you’ll learn how prepare your PSLF form and/or to apply for consolidation. We’ll offer tips on how much time to allow yourself to meet the deadline, and to make sure your PSLF form and/or consolidation will be processed right the first time. Visit the PSLF Resources page to see if you qualify and bring your questions to the union’s webinar.
Web: https://nffe.org/nffe_news/webinar/
TW: https://twitter.com/NFFE_Union/status/1569749239705796609
As I sat down to write this message it struck me that we are almost halfway through 2022 and I have just a little over six months left in my term as NFFE-1998 president. Even though the last couple of years have been overwhelming at times for all of us, time keeps marching forward.
Which leads me into my next topic for this message. Elections for National officers and Senior Stewards will be taking place this coming December. It is time for folks to be thinking about who they want to represent them locally and nationally. Who represents you has a real impact on our workplace each, and every day. We need representatives that are engaged and willing to work on behalf of us. As a reminder regarding the upcoming elections, if you are thinking about running for a position, the by-laws require those running to have been a dues paying member in good standing for a year or more prior to December 1, 2022. Any dues paying member can be “appointed” to a position however, but in order to actually run for an elected position you must have been a paying member for over a year. “Appointments” can only happen in the event of a vacancy in a position after the election. Additionally, in order to vote in the election, one must be a dues paying member. If you want to have a say in who represents you it is not too late to become a member. If you are interested, please see your local steward, if you do not currently have a steward please reach out to the National Officers (NFFE1998-NationalOfficers@state.gov).
I am sure you will get sick of me saying this in emails and on phone calls, but it is worth repeating. Please reach out to your local steward occasionally to see how they are doing. It is a tough and often thankless job at times, and I know they could use your support. At the same time, your local steward needs to hear from you when you notice things are not copesetic in your office. That is why we signed up for the job of representation, so we can help and work towards fixing problems, but we cannot see everything all at once, so please let us know when you see something. This includes new local agreements you may be interested in, meetings with management about conditions in your office, grievances, and anything else you feel we can assist with.
I just wanted to take the time to recognize again the splendid work for our 2020 newsletters. As mentioned in the last NFFE1998 newsletter, it makes me smile every time I look at the two third-place award plaques that we received from the International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers for Best Layout & Design and General Excellence. It is easy to smile when you know your organization is recognized for its amazing work. That being said, if there were something you would like to see in the newsletter, please let us know. It is a communication vehicle for all of us and can always be improved upon.
Everyone should start to see the annual awards process starting to move forward for 2022 very soon. Of course, as we know not everyone will receive an award. But one thing that the data shows from our constant fight with management over this topic, is we are making gains in the percentage of dollars going to the folks represented by NFFE-1998. We still have work to do, but things are getting better every year.
I wanted to update everyone regarding a couple of our biggest grievances that are still working their way through the arbitration process. The Mission Critical grievance is residing with the Federal Labor Relations Authority. At this time, a response will come when it comes as there is no deadline for a response in this process, patience really is a virtue regarding this grievance. It is important to note however that we also have the second grievance out there regarding Hazard Pay. Our Hazard Pay grievance is making its way through the arbitration process right now and includes some of the same remedies we are seeking on the Mission Critical grievance. I wish I could say we will have a speedy answer to this grievance, but as with so many things, it just takes time. We hope to have more information in the upcoming newsletter. Stay tuned.
If you have not visited our website NFFE1998.org recently, then this may be the first time you are hearing about this topic. Headquarters approached the Union recently regarding a proposed change to the Civil Service Appraisal System. The last time a change like this was made was approximately 2007, as you can imagine the issue is fraught with potential downsides, but maybe some upsides as well. Headquarters is hoping that their proposal will go into effect starting in 2023, but as of now we are just in the information gathering stage. We plan to formally initiate bargaining on this proposed change to our working conditions as soon as we have more information on exactly how this change will impact everyone. A team of National Officers and Stewards are working diligently to represent you all for the best overall outcome. We expect these negotiations to begin very soon. So, if you have any suggestions about changes you would like to see to the present appraisal process that we may be able to incorporate into our upcoming negotiations we would love to hear from you.
Regrettably, I want to talk about is the loss of our Recording Secretary Jason Vick. Jason has been promoted to supervisor in Seattle and must resign his position in the union. Some of you know him personally, and some may only know him by name. Jason is one of those type of people that will be hard to replace in any organization. Not only did Jason improve and grow the position of Recording Secretary for NFFE-1998, but he also did a wonderful job at crunching data to the benefit of the Bargaining Unit. Additionally, we will miss his bargaining skills. He helped us settle a number of grievances to the benefit of those in need of representation. All I can say at this point is I wish the best of luck to Jason in his next endeavor, he will be missed.
Additionally, we would also like to say goodbye to our NPC Senior Steward and frequent Chief Steward Julie Geissler. She has been instrumental during her time as a Steward and was successful in winning every Arbitration she was a part of. She too has been promoted to supervisor and we wish her all the best.
Finally, please do not forget to check the NFFE-1998 website (http://tempnffe1998.iamdivpress.com/) from time to time to see what is going on locally and nationally it’s being updated regularly, dues paying members have access to all information and agreements so if this is something you are interested in let your local steward know and become a member today!
In Solidarity,
Lee W.
President, NFFE-1998
Last year, Headquarters facilitated working groups to get feedback on the proposed changes to performances evaluations and the civil service appraisal system. If you participated in one of these working groups, please email your Union officers at NFFE1998-NationalOfficers@state.gov.
The Union is very concerned that upcoming proposed changes in performance appraisal processes will make it even more difficult for specialists to achieve overall ratings of exceeds expectations and outstanding. The Union has shown Headquarters the concerning data and trends that shows that passport specialists are routinely rated lower at certain agencies, and across the board when compared with passport management and other employees Department wide.
For example, this graph shows outstanding ratings at our passport centers. In 2019 40% of the National Passport Center (NPC) specialists received outstanding compared to just 4% at the New Orleans Passport Center (NOPC).
Disclaimer: The data relied upon was provided to the Union from the Labor Relations Office on an “as is” basis and is subject to change.
Additionally, this 2018 ratings graph shows that about 70% of passport managers and department wide employees receive Outstanding ratings. This contrasts sharply with passport specialists 25% outstanding ratings.
Disclaimer: The data relied upon was provided to the Union from the Labor Relations Office on an “as is” basis and is subject to change.
The Department of State is changing to a 4-point system, that is being implemented Department-wide in management positions, in American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) positions and in American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) positions. This change is being referred to as Civil Service Reform. The Department is proposing a similar change in the performance evaluation of all positions under NFFE1998, as their goal is to have the same process, terminology, and forms for foreign and civil service employees.
A 4-point system means that the outstanding rating option has been added in each individual category. If adjudicators already struggle to show exceeds expectation in individual categories with the current rating system, we expect it will be even more difficult for adjudicators to show outstanding in individual categories in the new system.
New Appraisal System Proposed by Passport Management
Finally, Headquarters will decide by the end of August 2022 if the new system will be used in 2023; and the new system will likely be used for more than a decade by the Department. According to our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Article 12.8, “Subjects appropriate for negotiations are personnel policies and practices and other matters relating to or affecting working conditions of bargaining unit employees.”
The Union is committed to working towards creating a more equitable and fair evaluation process. We are actively engaged in this proposed changed to our working conditions because of its great impact on all of us. We will continue to present the data showing the disparities to HQ so that our ratings improve with the new performance evaluation system.