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Second Voluntary Leave Bank Open Enrollment Season – (April 12-May 12), 2020. Please get in contact with your direct supervisor for more information on the ALDAC referencing this open season.
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While State/Local authorities issue orders restricting movements of the public within States and defining whom is essential to leave home during the COVID-19 pandemic, Passport Management continues to use its discretion to order non-essential employees to leave home and expose themselves to the risk of health, and to the penalties of any movement restriction orders by each state/local authority. The Union researched several of these orders and requested that Passport Services Management respect the dignity and health of not just the employee, but also the community. See attached Union Memo emailed to Passport Services Management.
Click Here to see attached memo.
The U.S. State Department continues to keep employees informed daily about health and safety concerning COVID-19, either with reminders and/or new information. Yesterday, with an all hands notice to U.S. State Department employees, guidance was provided on important situations involving COVID-19. The guidance explained instances such as a telework reminder, being healthy and subject to a quarantine, being diagnosed as infected, requirements for a doctor’s note, office closure for disinfection, among many other guidance to other scenarios. See attached U.S. State Department Notice for further details.
Click Here for Attachment
As COVID-19 spreads nationwide, leading to the carnage of closing twenty-one passport offices and leaving twelve passport offices still open, state and local officials have issued “shelter in place, stay at home orders” in many states and municipalities limiting movement of persons. Individuals not adhering to these orders in some areas, include fines and jail. It is now reported to the Union that at least two passport centers in different states, management is disregarding “stay at home orders” issued by state/local authorities and requiring employees to report to work, even though a public health issue is recognized. When the Union raised the issue to Management of movement restrictions because of “stay at home” orders for health and safety, one management official responded to the Union quoting, “If an employee resides within Charleston city limits, they are subject to the stay-at-home ordinance effective tomorrow. If they do not, there is no current restriction on their movement.” Then afterwards, on the same day, in an all hands e-mail notice to all the staff in the same passport center, Management addressed “stay at home” orders and movement restrictions in writing quoting, “Theworkplace, and not an employee’s place of residence determines whether they should or should not report to work under “shelter-in-place” or “stay-at-home” ordinances. Since CPC is not within Charleston city limits we are open.” Furthermore, in another passport center, it is reported a “stay at home /shelter in place” is in order in another state with a passport agency that is closed for health and safety, yet the employees that live in that state with movement restrictions and work at the passport office in a different state that is open, management has ordered those employees to travel from the “stay at home” state and to report to their work site where the passport office is open, in which there is no “stay at home, shelter in place” in that state/municipality.